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영어로 무생물 주어 만들 때 90% 커버 가능한 표현들

by dinersourfizz 2023. 2. 26.


영어식 표현의 특징은 무생물 주어다. 무생물 주어에 특화된 동사가 있다. 이것만 외우면 90% 커버 가능하다.






무생물 주어 동사 유형별 정리


1. 할 수 있다 : Enable/ make it possible for X to X/ allow/ lead to

• The new system enable us to save time



2. 불가: remove/ eliminate/ avoid/ get rid of/ deter / elude/ stifle

•Access to energy continues to elude a fifth of the world’s population



3. 발전시키다: serve to/ improve/ ameliorate/ contribute to/ promote/ boost/ bolster/ strengthen/ develop/ stimulate/ encourage/ activate

• Taking a nap serves to decision making



4. 방해하다: undermine/ overwhelm/ prevent/ disrupt/ stall/ stagnate/ hurt/ harm/ hamper/ impair/ weaken

•High energy prices undermine energy security



5. 해야 한다: require/ lead to/ call for/ ensure/ make sure/ entail/ necessitate/ involve/ demand

•Conserving environment demands new ways to balance demands, while ensuring sustainable development



6. 겪다: suffer from/ experience/ undergo/ sustain/ go through/ face

• Small and medium-sized companies are undergoing financial problems.




출처 - 한영 번역, 이럴 땐 이렇게







+ 자매품 


자주 함께 쓰이는 부사+형용사(동사) 

우리 말로 하면 치열한 논쟁. 첨예한 대립. 날카로운 시선. 불붙은 논쟁, 뜨거운 사랑, 열띤 토론 느낌




•It is Intuitively obvious that Madonna is cute

직관적으로 분명


•엄마 is inextricably linked with 아빠

불가분한 관련


•Two Koreas are still technically at war

엄밀한 의미


•We cannot stand idly

게을리 있다


•Yonsei University is poorly equipped with educational devices. 

모자란 장비


•Citizens disagree vehemently about reform in pension

격렬히 반발


•Rural area are sparsely populated

인구가 드문


•The government stringently regulates under age smoking

철저한 규제


•Protests covertly printed leaflets

은밀히 인쇄


•Lawmakers argued heatedly

열띤 토론


•Scholars mistakenly equate these two approaches

실수로 혼동



•His book is adequately tested for safety

철저한 검수


